Streamline Admissions and Intakes with eSignatures for the Education Industry
In the realm of education, managing and storing vast amounts of paperwork has traditionally been a laborious and time-consuming task. The process of collecting, filling, signing, and scanning forms can be cumbersome, demanding valuable time and resources.
Furthermore, the past couple of years have been tumultuous for students, parents, and educational institutions alike. The pandemic disrupted in-person activities such as attending classes, field trips, and even the admissions process. In response, educational institutions swiftly embraced online technology to ensure uninterrupted teaching and learning, prompting the adoption of digital tools like eSignatures for seamless workflows.
DrySign, with its digital signature platform, empowers educational institutions to align with modern educational practices. The inefficiencies of printing forms, manual filling, and self-attesting certificate copies with wet signatures are bottlenecks in an otherwise digital process. Integrating DrySign into the workflow eliminates the need for printing, handwritten signatures, and manual handling of paper documents.
DrySign for Educational Institutions
User-Friendly with Optimal User Experience for Tech-Savvy Millennials
DrySign offers a user-friendly interface and a seamless experience for its users. With its mobile-friendly design, it allows for convenient access from anywhere, at any time. By implementing digital signature workflows, your institution demonstrates its ability to meet the sophisticated needs of digital-savvy millennials and their guardians, both existing and prospective students. DrySign not only simplifies the document signing process but also showcases your institution's commitment to embracing modern technology and providing an intuitive digital experience for all users.
Cost-effective Solution
Adopting eSign for educational institutes can bring about significant cost savings. Institutions can allocate their resources more efficiently by reducing the need for printers, stationery, postage, documentation storage, and maintenance. Additionally, adopting virtual signatures minimizes the time spent on administrative tasks, freeing up valuable hours for educators to focus on their teaching goals.
Seamless Integration and Document Management
DrySign effortlessly integrates with popular software platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, ensuring a seamless workflow. Moreover, DrySign lets you digitally sign and add your company seal or logo to various document formats such as PDF, Doc, Excel, and more, providing a convenient and streamlined approach to document management.
Go Green!
By going digital, we unlock numerous advantages, the most significant being eliminating actions that harm the environment. Paper consumption directly contributes to deforestation, landslides, waste generation, and a higher carbon footprint—issues we strive to raise awareness of and avoid. Educating future generations on the importance of choosing technology that promotes environmental sustainability sets a strong foundation for a better tomorrow.

- Enrollment
- Registration forms
- Student handbooks
- Scholarship and Financial Aid applications
- Student loan applications
- Transfer requests and forms
- Identity Cards
- PTA Reports
- Course change forms
- Parking forms